For SIAT the customer is not an impersonal entity bound by a business relationship, but a partner we team up with to meet new challenges in the pursuit of quality and reliability, one with whom we establish a mutual and long-lasting collaboration.

Planning and developing the best solution together, as professionally and accurately as possible, is the point of departure for a successful partnership with a common objective: worry-free production and savings.

This approach means that each generator is unique and customised; it means that the customer is given our full attention, then is accompanied through the design phase right through to the start-up of the equipment in the plant.

All this is widely validated by the hundreds of heat recovery boilers produced over recent years and that now allow customers to save on thousands of TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent).


Reliability, versatility, tangibility and efficiency are key concepts when SIAT sets about designing and realising a product for a customer.

Each plant has different features and requirements, which is why our generators are created only after carefully analysing the actual needs of the customer and deciding with them the best solution for integration into their plant.

SIAT is committed to taking on the problems of the customer until we’ve designed and built a dedicated product that best meets their needs.

The clear satisfaction of our customers, even after many years, not only is rewarding, but is also a demonstrable indication of the value and the quality of our products and services.

  SIAT Italia s.r.l.
Via Sesia 4 - 20017 Rho - Mi - Italy
(+39) 02.931.44.22
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